latest 16 messages by blood|wrk

+ [2016-04-05T18:44:02Z] blood|wrk how else would it know where to look?
+ [2016-04-05T18:43:39Z] blood|wrk sure but it's a commit from the repo set in .gitmodules is it not?
+ [2016-04-05T18:39:33Z] blood|wrk ok thats what i meant
+ [2016-04-05T18:39:16Z] blood|wrk so Travis can test?
+ [2016-04-05T18:39:11Z] blood|wrk so is the correct way to handle it to have the person submitting PR to remove it before we merge?
+ [2016-04-05T18:38:51Z] blood|wrk oh right, because it points to their branch
+ [2016-04-05T18:37:42Z] blood|wrk and not say there are compile issues
+ [2016-04-05T18:37:33Z] blood|wrk i will merge but i want travis to report OK
+ [2016-04-05T18:36:44Z] blood|wrk 2 total PR's for 2 submodules
+ [2016-04-05T18:36:30Z] blood|wrk since the submodule change is required for their PR to compile
+ [2016-04-05T18:36:16Z] blood|wrk ok now we use Travis, how do we make it still compile?
+ [2016-04-05T18:35:20Z] blood|wrk so if someone submits a PR, it wont show that file
+ [2016-04-05T18:35:08Z] blood|wrk Seveas: i just want to ignore it showing up in diff as the .gitmodules will never change on our side
+ [2016-04-05T18:22:03Z] blood|wrk how do I prevent PR from showing .gitmodules changes? Isn't there a way to ignore this from being tracked?
+ [2015-08-21T17:49:44Z] blood|wrk im trying to force push an older commit to my remote branch. When i attempt to do it, it says "Everything-up-to-date"